Bambusa bambos (Vansha) Medicinal uses, Adverse effects,Research & Pharmacology
Botanical Name: Bambusa bambos (L.) Voss. Family: Gramineae; Poaceae. Introduction: Latin name : Bambusa = Indian name; bambos […]
Botanical Name: Bambusa bambos (L.) Voss. Family: Gramineae; Poaceae. Introduction: Latin name : Bambusa = Indian name; bambos […]
Botanical Name: Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Muell.-Arg. Family: Euphorbiaceae Introduction: Mainly roots of danti using for virecana.
Botanical Name: Balanites aegyptiaca (Linn.) Delile, Family: Simaroubaceae; Balanitaceae Introduction: Latin name: Balanites – balanus nut, fruit rind
Botanical Name: Bacopa monnieri (Linn.) Penn. Family: Scrophulariaceae Introduction: The controversy on Brãhmi and Mandükaparni is never ending.
Botanical Name: Baccaurea andamanensis (Wight) Muell. Family: Euphorbiaceae Introduction: Its fruit is edible, endemic plant in western Ghats