Indian Medicinal Plants Database
Medicinal Plants or Medicinal herbs are essence of Traditional medicine practice. Treatment using herbs developed different parts of world in different names. Herbalism is the systematic study of medicinal herbs and its botany. Mainly focusing its medicinal uses. Ethnomedicine is the study of traditional medicine. Researchers identify and separate various active chemicals in the medicinal plants.
Indian medicinal plants or Ayurvedic medicinal Plants are the essence of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic treatments. When used judicially and clocking with the basic principles they produce miraculous effects. Their role cannot be confined to mere curative of disease but they also used being of human body. Hence, Ayurvedic drugs are rightly called the elixirs of life. Ayurvedic Herbs played important role in Ayurvedic treatment, from ancient time to this most modern time.
The uses of medicinal plants can even see in pre historic time from the Sumerian civilization. In Sumerian civilization medicinal plants listed in clay. They mentioned about 100 medicinal plants. Ancient Egyptians documented about 800 medicinal plants in ‘Ebers Papyrus’.
‘Shennong Ben Cao Jing’ , is the Chinese pharmacopeia of medicinal plants , which helped Chinese Traditional healers to treat patients. ‘Dioscorides’ was a Greek physician , he wrote a pharmacopeia of medicinal plants called ‘De materia medica’ . which described 600 medicinal plants and its various combinations useful in treatments.
Aristotle’s and his student, Theophrastus wrote the first systematic botany text called ‘Historia plantarum’. That was the first book in botany which classified plants into systematic groups.
In India, various traditional system of medicine are developed. Ayurveda and Sidha are well known, now commonly called Indian System of Medicine. Treatments based upon medicinal herbs and herbo mineral combination are essence of Ayurveda and Sidha. Modecinal plants listed in Ayurvedic text books or coming under ayurveda listed as Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants. Ayurveda books classified medicinal plants according to its uses and properties. About 800 medicinal plants were listed.
From historical time, medicinal plants used for medical purpose. It is believed that about 50 thousand before herbalism existed. Written history could be see in sumarien civilization, which was 5000 years old. Herbalism may apply modern standards of effectiveness testing to herbs and medicines derived from natural sources because many modern medicine compounds are derived from plants. It referred as phytomedicine, phytotherapy or paraherbalism. Nutrient supplements prepared from herbs classified under phytotherapy.
According to WHO (World Health Organization) 80 % of Asian and African population uses herbal medicine due to its low expense. About 25% of drugs using in USA derived from medicinal plants. 7,000 medical compounds and 120 active compounds currently isolated from herbs.
Herbal preparations
Single plant or multiple plant combinations are used. It Prepared in many form. Herbal juice extract, dry powder, tea, decoction , Tinctures ,alcoholic preparation and oil or ghee preparations are available.
Uses of herbal medicines by animals My words
It is believed that traditional healers started learning herbal medicine on observing the sick animals.
Ethnomedicine is a study or comparison of the traditional medicine based on bioactive chemicals in the herbs and animals and practiced by various ethnic groups. ethnobotany and medical anthropology are the tools using in Ethnomedicine. The purpose of the research is to identify and develop a marketable pharmaceutical product. From Chinese medicine ‘Yu’ identified ‘Artemisin’ named chemical compound useful in Malaria disease.
These are chemical compounds synthesized by plants as its part of metabolism, may be part of defensive mechanism. Alkaloids, Glycosides, Glycosides, Terpenes are main Phytochemicals. Alkaloids are bitter-tasting chemicals examples are atropine, scopolamine, hyoscyamine, caffeine , cocaine, ephedrine (Ephedra), morphine. Anthraquinone glycosides are found in medicinal plants such as rhubarb, cascara, and Alexandrian senna. Polyphenols of several classes of chemicals, useful defenses against plant diseases and predators . examples are phytoestrogens and astringent tannins. Terpenes and terpenoids are found in resinous plants such as the conifers.
Cultivation may be traditional or conservative agriculture practices. World Health Organization recommends the use of rotation. Study about Soil type, climate , temperature , humidity is needed to obtain satisfactory yields.
Safety of Medicinal Plants
It is a blind belief that herbal medicines are safe. Side effects are present for herbal medicines also. Wrong prescription, wrong dosage, adulteration, quackery causes herbal treatments more unsafe. Many governments started giving license under strict order to practice herbal medicine.
My Note,
I want Indian Medicine to became more popular in entire world, keeping that purpose in mind, i am introducing an encyclopedia of CD Rom and web site. So that you will get deep, most accurate and useful information about medicinal plants using in Ayurveda. Medicinal Herbs shows good result on disease cure. Ayurveda is the medical / Health care system in India, which uses this as treatment base, with ‘theoretical principles’. We need to research many things to find out the pharmacological action of it.
uses of 30 important Indian Medicinal Plants and its images
NO: | Botanical Name | Name | Description | Images |
1 |
Cyclea peltata |
Pata Root |
It is one of the best brain tonic used in Ayurveda along with other drugs. In the Vedic literature Patha is described as ‘Pata’
Part Used— Root |
2 |
Rauwolfia serpentina |
snakeroot |
it contains called reserpine, is used to treat high blood pressure and mental disorders including schizophrenia, and was particularly popular for that purpose anti dot of snake poison useful part : root |
3 |
Ocimum sanctum |
Rosary Pea |
it is toxic due to the presence of abrin. puriefied seed are used in medicine |
4 |
Abrus precatorius |
Rosary Pea |
it is toxic due to the presence of abrin. puriefied seed are used in medicine |
5 |
Aconitum heterophyllum |
Indian Atees |
commonly found in sub-alpine and alpine zones Himalayas.The crushed eaves, mixed with saindhav are applied focally. The seeds crushed in honey are applied locally on throat, in tonsillitis. Nasal insufflations of roots is beneficial in headache (especially migraine). part used : tuber |
6 |
Aloe vera |
Aloe |
A perennial plant with a short stem.Leaves are 30-60 cm long, erect, crowded in a basal rosette, juicy, glaucous- green, narrow lanceolate, long acuminate, margins with spiny teeth | |
7 |
Curcuma longa |
Turmeric |
The rhizomes gave curcuminoids, the mixture known as curcumin, consisting of atleast four phenolic diarylheptanoids, including curcumin and monodesmethoxycurcumi | |
8 |
Azadirachta indica |
Neem |
This is Azadirachta indica Of the family Meliaceae. It is called as neem tree commonly. Chemical Constituents- Seed oil contains margosic acid. , nimbin. Nimbidin and nimbinin. Nimbidin contains sulphur. Use – All parts Of the tree are medicinal. In general, these are bitter, tonic, astringent, antiperiodic, antiseptic, anthelmintic and Insecticidal, often used in skin diseases. |
9 |
Alpinia Galanga |
Greater galangal |
Ayurveda advises Rasna in vitiated conditions of Vata and Kapha, arthritis, inflammations, stomatopathy, cough, asthma, bronchitis, hiccough, dyspepsia, obesity, diabetes, tubercular glands and intermittent fevers. useful part : rhizomes |
10 |
Bacopa monnieri |
Thyme-leaved Gratiola /Braahmi |
In south India , this plant used as bramhi. it is a good brain tonic.useful in Adaptogenic, astringent, diuretic, sedative, potent nervine tonic, anti-anxiety agent (improves mental functions, used in insanity, epilepsy), antispasmodic. useful part : whole plant |
11 |
Centella asiatica |
Asiatic pennywort or Gotu kola |
In North India, this plant used as bramhi. its leaves shows the shape of brain.Centella asiatica is indigenous to the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and wetland regions of the Southeastern US it is a good brain tonic. useful in psychotic disorder |
12 |
Cinnamomum zeylanicum |
Cinnamomun |
In ayurveda this medicinal plant used againts poison. Due to its blood purification property useful in skin disease and astma. | |
13 |
Moringa oleifera |
Drumstick tree |
useful to treat and prevent diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, anemia, arthritis, liver disease, and respiratory, skin, and digestive disorders | |
14 |
Ricinus communis |
castor bean or castor oil plant |
Eranda has been freely used all over India since centuries. In day to day life, it is commonly used as a purgative.
Ayurvedic Samhitas have praised it as an asset in treating rheumatic disorders. |
15 |
Nymphaea stellata |
Lotus |
Flowers and rhizomes used as astringent, demulcent, mild sedative, spasmolytic, antiseptic, antimicrobial. Used in the form of an infusion internally for chronic diarrhoea, as a douche for leucorrhoea and vaginitis, as a gargle for sore throat. Also given internally in prostatis | |
16 |
Psoralea corylifolia Linn |
Babchi/Purple Fleabane |
Psoralea corylifolia (Babchi) is an important plant in the Indian Ayurveda useful for vitilago.used in leucoderma, vitiligo, leprosy, psoriasis and inflammatory diseases of the skin, both orally and externally. useful part : seed |
17 |
Withania ashwagandha /
Winter Cherry |
Ashwagandha is used for arthritis, anxiety, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), balance, obsessive-compulsive dirorder (OCD), insomnia, asthma, leukoderma, bronchitis, fibromyalgia, menstrual problems, hiccups, Parkinson’s disease, libido | |
18 |
ginger |
ginger |
In ayurveda this medicinal plant used againts poison. Due to its blood purification property useful in skin disease and astma | |
19 |
Tinospora cordifolia |
giloy |
Large succulent climbing shrubs or deciduous vines about 15-25 m long. Stem striate, with scattered lenticelsTinospora cordifolia is widely used medicinal plant in Ayurvedic system for its general tonic, antiperiodic, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anti-arthritic, anti-lepritic, anti-allergic and anti-diabetic properties | |
20 |
Santalum album |
sandal wood |
Sandalwood is the name of a class of fragrant woods from trees in the genus Santalum. The woods are heavy, yellow, and fine-grained, and unlike many other aromatic woods they retain their fragrance for decades | |
21 |
Tribulus terrestris |
This diuretic plant used in strangury, calculus affections, urolithiasis, crystalluria, urinary discharges, pruritus-ani, as a tonic in sexual inadequacy; also as a supporting medicine in cough and asthma.
Leaf—diuretic, haemostatic. Root—stomachic, diuretic |
22 |
Uraria picta |
Prishniparni |
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends a decoction of whole plant useful in alcoholism, insanity, psychosis,cough, bronchitis, dyspnoea; diseases due to vitiated blood; gout; bleeding piles | |
23 |
Phyllanthus niruri |
Stonebreaker |
it is an important plant of Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine which is used for stomach problems,and for the genitourinary system, liver, kidney and spleen useful part : whole plant | |
24 |
datura metel |
Dhatura |
Scopolamine (Hyoscine) is the major active constituent of the plant.Scopolamine has analgesic and sedative actions and produce amnesia1. It also has anti-inflammatory property | |
25 |
Crocus sativus |
saffron |
It improves complexion and hence is used for application on hyper pigmented lesions of the skin. It is also used for apply in headache. Its paste is applied on wounds.It is useful in nervous debility, migraine, rheumatoid arthritis, pain caused by vata, loss of appetite. liver disorders, heart diseases and blood disorders | |
26 |
Commiphora mukul/
Indian Bdellium,
used for reducing obesity and in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, sciatica. Guggulipid is hypocholesteremic | |
27 |
Clitoria ternatea |
Asian pigeonwings/
This plant’s root is specially used for leucoderma. It is also considered as Visahara. Brhat Trayi texts do not come across the term Aparãjita. | |
28 |
Plumbago zeylanica |
Ceylon Leadwort/
useful in diarrhea , piles, spleen enlargement, rheumatism , osteoarthritis | |
29 |
Botanical Name |
Botanical Name |
Botanical Name | |
30 |
Cassia fistula |
Purging cassia |
In Vedic literature the dried branches of Aragvadha are used for ritual performance Several external applications containing Aragvadha are mentioned in Ayurveda, useful in skin diseases like psoriasis, ring worm, ulcers etc |