Botanical Name: Paganum harmala
Family: Rutaceae
Latin name: Paganum = rustic – belonging to the country; harmal = from the name Harmal.
English name: Syrian Rue.
Botanical Description: This shrub, 0.5 to 1 mt. in height, has a life span of many years.
Leaves – 6-9 cm. long, equidistant.
Flowers – white, arising from the angle of the leaves. 12 to 15 stamens are distributes in two circles.
Fruits – round, trilobulated, easily breakable, contain three black seeds with a strong fragrance. It i said that seeds are used for extinguishing fire. Out of the two varieties, brownish variety is very useful.
Habit Rajasthan, Iran, Sindh, Kashmir, Punjab, North India, West India.
Guna: laghu, ruksha;
Rasa: tikta;
Vipaka: . katu;
Virya: ushna;
Dosha: kaphavatashamak, pittavardhak.
Uses: It is used as an analgesic, antibacterial, antiflatulent, anthelmintic, blood purifier, expectorant, oxytropic, galactogogue, emmenagogue and anticonvulsant. Medicated’ oil is used in earache.
Dose: 1 to 3 gms. Excess dose causes burning, euphoria, addiction and nausea. Drugs of mädhur and amla properties are used for relieving the symptoms.
Dosha: Kaphaghna. vataghna, pittavardhak.
Dhatu: Majja. rakta. rasa.
Mala: Purisha (anthelmintic).
Organ: Uterus )contraction). Treatment should be done cautiously.