Botanical Name: Ficus hispida Linn. f.
Family: Moraceae
Figs constitute the genus Ficus, of the family Moraceae. The common commercial fig is classified as Ficus carica, the sycamore fig as ficus sycomorus, and the pipal, or sacred fig, as Ficus religiosa. The common rubber plant is classified as Ficus elastica, and the banyan tree, or Indian fig, as Ficus bengalensis. The two figs native to the subtropical United States are classified as Ficus aurea and Ficus citrifolia.
Names in different Indian languages
English |
Hindi |
Gobla, katguleriya |
Kannada |
Kaduatti |
Malayalam |
Kattatti, erumanakku, parakam |
Sanskrit |
Kakodumbarika |
Tamil |
Peyatti, Chona Atthi |
Telugu |
Adaviatti |
Unani |
Anjir Dashti |
Folk |
Kaashtodumbara, Phalgu, Malayu, Malapu.
Ficus daemona Koen. Ex Vahl
Classification according to Charaka, Susrutha & Vagbhata
Charaka |
Susrutha |
Vagbhata |
Varieties & adulterants - (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants)
Medium sized tree grows up to 2-3 m height, no aerial roots
Leaves – simple, opposite, very rough
Flower – hypanthodium
Fruit – fig, reddish yellow when ripe. Unripe fruits are green while ripe fruits are purple and sweet
Seeds - square. hairy. Growth of the bush is fast and it bears fruits within 2-3 years
Distribution & Habitat
All over India
Chemical constituents:
beta-sitosterol, beta-amyrin, ntriacontanyl acetate, gluacol acetate, hispidin, a phenanthraindolizidine alkaloid, bergapten and psoralen
Guna : ruksha. laghu;
Rasa : tikta, kashaya;
Vipaka katu;
Virya : sheeta;
Karma -
Astringent, emetic, laxative, bitter
Dosha : Kaphaghna and pittaghna. , raktha pitta hara
Dhatu : Rakta , meda (external use on dermatoses and vitiligo), meda (paste of fruits - lymphadenitis), rasa (ripe fruit - galactogogue), shukra (ripe fruit - aphrodisiac), rakta ,jaundice, anaemia and bleeding piles) haemostatic (ripe fruit).
Mala : Purisha (purgative)
Note : Effective medicine for vitiligo and useful in rabies.
jaundice, oedema , anaemia, leucoderma, vitiligo, leprosy, ulcers, psoriasis, epitasis
Part used:
Fruit, root, leaves
Root powder 2-4 g
Internal uses:
External uses : The paste of root bark or latex is applied on dermatoses and vitiligo Latex develops blisters on the skirt and acts as a curative agent. Powder and decoction are used in ulcers. Ripe fruit ground in a paste is applied on lymphadenitis. Internal uses : Decoction or powder of fruits is used in constipation, ascites, piles and jaundice. Ripe fruit is used as a haemostatic agent. It is used as a tonic, aphrodisiac and galactogogue. Root and fruit are useful in dermatoses. The plant has chief action on vitiligo. In Rabies, rootbark 1 lola + datura seeds is given with rice water
Therapeutic Uses:
- Leaf used to rub in alopecia aerate
Descriptions on Ayurveda books / Nighandu: