Botanical Name: Ferula assafoetida Linn.
Family: Umbelliferae; Apiaceae
Hingu is obtained as an exudates of the decapitated rhizome or root of a plant about four years old. The stems are cut close to the root and asafoetida exudes in blobs or drops from the part left in the ground. The accumulated exudation is scraped off at intervals, of the two kinds of asafetida known in commerce, one turns red and then brownish when a fresh surface is exposed to air and the other remains white or pale buff. The later variety is supposed to be derived from F. rubricaulis.
Names in different Indian languages
Hindi |
Himg |
Telugu |
Inguva |
Tamil |
Perungayam |
English |
Asafoetida |
Marathi |
Hingu |
kanada |
hingu |
Malayalam |
kayam |
English |
Asafoetida |
Sanskrit |
Hingu |
Unani |
Hilteet, Hing |
Hinguka, Raamattha, Baahlika, Jatuka, Vedhi, Jatuka, Bãhlika, Ramalha, Sahasravedhi, Ugaragañdhã, Sipadhüpana, Agudhagandhã, Jarana, Jantughna.
Ferula foetida Regel.
Classification according to Charaka, Susrutha & Vagbhata
Charaka |
Dipaniya, svãshara, Sanjnasthapana, Katu skandha |
Susrutha |
Pippalyãdi, Usakãdi |
Vagbhata |
Pippalyãdi |
Varieties & adulterants - (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants)
- Nãdi Hingu - Gardenia gummifera [CV]
- F. foetida
- F. jaeschkeana
- F. thomsoni
- F. galbaniflua
- F. sumbul
- F. suaveolens
- F. persica
- F. szowitziana
it is a herb. Stem about 2-3 m. height.
Leaves- pubescent when young, lower leaves 30-60 cm, ovate, secondary and tertiary pinnate recurrent, entire or very irregularly crenate-serrate.
Flowers- in terminal umbel; ovary glabrous.
Fruit- 4 to 6 mm, carpel.
Distribution & Habitat
Afghanistan, Pakistan etc.
chemical constituents
asaresionotannols, farnesiferols, ferulic acid
Gum— a-pinene, phellandrene, see. butyl propenyl disulfide, a trisulfide, asaresinotannol, farnesiferol A, gummosin, kamolonol, mogoltadone, polyanthinin, polyanthin, undecylsulfonyl acetic acid; umbelliferone,
Root— foetidin, luteolin, Whole plant— assafoetidin, ferocolicin.
Rasa Katu
Guna Laghu, Snigdha, Tiksna
Virya Usna
Vipãka Katu
Karma Kapha-vãta hara, Hrdya, Artavajanana, sülahara, Caksusya, Bhedaniya, Anulomaniya, Balya
Digestive, carminative, laxative, diuretic, expectorant, nervine tonic, anthelmintic , sedative.
Indications— Krmi, Artavadosa, Mürchã, Apasmara, süla, Gulma, Udara, Agnimandya
indigestion, constipation, cough, asthma, intestinal problems, gastric ulcers, piles , epilepsy, convulsions.
Part Used— Resin (Niryãsa)
Dosage— 125 to 500 mg.
Process of purification There are Two methods of purification viz.
(1) abharjit
(2) bharlit.
In the first process, 1 part of hingu is dissolved in 5 parts of water and then dried on flame in ghee layered iron pot.
In the second process, hing is roasted in cow-ghee till it becomes dry and Tough. Habitat: Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Punjab and Pushawar.
External uses : Analgesic, vata alleviating and stimulant properties help in flatulence by topical application. Castor oil + hing douche (matrabasti) is also effective, 15 gunja hing + 10 tola water in douche is given in helminthiasis. Hingu is applied locally on the genitalia in impotency. Its topical application is useful in cough and breathlessness. Hingu water is applied to reduce swelling and pain of guinea Worm.
Internal uses:
Nervous system : Ills stimulant, analgesic, sangnyasthapak and anticonvulsant by its ushna veerya. It is useful in paralysis; facial palsy, torticollis sciatica and epilepsy,’
Digestive system: Stimulates appetite, digestive and improves taste because of pungent and ushna property. Snigdha and tikshna guna helps to improve peristalsis, relieves colic pain and intestinal worms, his useful in loss of appetite, flatulence, tumour, pain, constipation and intestinal parasites. Roasted hingu should be used for treating digestive disorders. It is given at the beginning of meal in hypogastric pain and at the middle of the meal in epigastric (samana ) conditions, Thin paste of hing is applied on abdomen in flatulence in infants and middle aged patients
Circulatory system : Cardiac stimulant, in vataja cardiac disorders, pericardial effusion, cardiac pain - karpurhingu vatt is very useful in such conditions.
Respiratory system : Being tikshna, antibacterial and kaphavatahar, it is useful in asthma, cough, pneumonia, chronic cough, whooping cough: karpurhinguvati or raw hingu is used in respiratory conditions.
Urinary system : In kaphavata related dysuria, it acts as diuretic. Hingu is excreted through urine, therefore useful in vataj dysuria and urinary bladder pain.
Reproductive system: It is an aphrodisiac by its ushna and tikshna property. Therefore it is useful in impotency. Helps ovulation. It helps to clean the uterus in postpartum conditions. Satmikaran : It is a bitter tonic and increases strength. In general debility it increases appetite, and reduces weakness by this property.
Skin : It vitiates blood. It is a stimulant to the skin since it contains sulphur. It is used in itching. Hingu is excreted through skin.
Temperature : Febrifuge. sheetaprashaman. preventive in typhoid and useful in malarial fever
Excretion: Through bronchi, skin and kidney.
Dhatu : Rasa (menstruation), rakta, majja (fainting, epilepsy).
Mala : Anthelmintic.
Organ: Heart, eye, bronchi, skin, and urinary tract.
Important Yogas or Formations
Hingwashtakchurna. Hingeadivati, Hingkarpurvati, Rajapravartinivati.
Note : Hingu roasted in ghee is used in gastroinstestinal conditions because unprocessed hingu causes irritation and inflammation. But the same hingu is effective in lung disorders by tikshna guna.
Contraindications : Liver and brain disorders and persons having pitta prakruti.
Antidote :apple and sandal wood. Property of thousand actions makes hingu an important ingredient of panchapal. Its best action is seen in srotodushti caused by vatakapha derangement. It improves appetite, taste and digestion of food. Asta cürna)Hingvastaka curna; Rajahpravartini vati, Hingutriguna tailam, .Hingvãdi gulika, Hiñgvãdi cürna, Hiñgvadi taila, HingUgragañdhadicürna.
Important research work going on
(1) Action on GI tract
(2) anticancer effect
(3) sedative effect
(4) effect on Serum cholesterol level
(5) anti-polio virus activity
(6) anti-inflammatory activity
Therapeutic Uses
(1) Krmidañta— Hingu in worm state is used to fill, the dental caries (V.M.)
(2) Visama Jvara— Caturthaka jvara (quartan fever) is treated by snuffing Hingu mixed with old ghee (V.J.).
(3) Madãtyaya— Hiñgu mixed with Suvarchila and Maricha shall be given with Madya (wine) and Amla kañjika (sour gruel)
in alcoholism (C.S.Su.24/49).
Descriptions on Ayurveda books / Nighandu: